Saturday, October 6, 2012


"The Universe is indifferent" - Don Draper (Madmen)

There is one dynamic, indivisible singularity. Divisions between us are perceptions which exist only in the artificial construct we believe is reality. I am an evolving entity which is at once the whole and part of an original, primal entity (let us call it Source) which too is dynamically evolving. Hungering, thirsting, questing after self-knowledge Source sends me forth as an explorer, adventurer to find data, knowledge, detail to sustain it. As a bee hive's single purpose revolves around the care and feeding of its queen, so we worker bees constantly provide pollen in the form of experience and data to feed Source which creates us and which we create. Source evolves only by acquiring self-knowledge and hence is driven by a love of self; as everything in the universe is created of, by and is part of Source love fills every nook and cranny of the Universe. Whatever possibility evolves within the Universe I can access, and whatever happens to me happens to Source and is added to it's vast library of experience.

My good or bad experiences and actions are of equal value to Source. Whether I live a rich and affluent life or one of despair and abject poverty does not matter, Source seeks only the feedback from my experience and will give me whatever I ask for in order to acquire that knowledge. The quality of my requests to Source determine the quality of my life. If I ask for little I will receive little, if I ask for more I will be given or shown the way to acquire whatever I desire. There can be no compromise when making requests of Source, that which I desire must be stated positively, clearly, with conviction that the request will be fulfilled and must be supported by my actions.  It is what I and we all do each and every day and thereby create our reality from infinite supply.  Understanding this and controlling what we ask for and the way we think will set us free.

The famous "sound of one hand clapping" and all the other Zen koans were devised to awaken the seeker who pondered their meaning to a state of blissful  enlightenment.  Last night my persona in the form of a fictitious  shallow, flawed and selfish man reached out from a TV screen and with four simple words, "The Universe is indifferent", rolled away the stone which for so long has hindered understanding.

Sunday, September 30, 2012



In 1983 I had been living on the Queensland central coast for about 2 years. At that time work had become scarce and I returned to Melbourne to work and catch up with my family. “T” was a girl I had been seeing and she elected to come with me. In Melbourne I immediately returned to work with a previous employer but ”T” was unable to find work.
After 6 months ”T” was obviously unhappy. She missed rural Queensland’s easy going lifestyle and her family, could not assimilate into inner city life and hated the weather. Two weeks before Easter “T” went home to Queensland for a holiday. I was going to Queensland and bringing her back at Easter but I knew as soon as she was gone that it was unlikely she would return with me. I valued our relationship and made up my mind that I would find work and move back to Queensland.

I had recently read Shakti Gawain’s “Creative Visualization” and decided to put its lessons and exercises to the test. During the fortnight prior to leaving for Queensland I visualized myself working on the Sunshine Coast. I performed my visualizations each night just before going to sleep and they occupied my mind for most of the day.  

Upon arrival in Queensland ”T” confirmed my intuition, saying that although she wanted to be with me she could not return to Melbourne. I told her that was fine, I would find work and we would live on the Sunshine Coast. Only thinly disguising her doubts she asked me where I would get a job. At that moment an advertisement for a business in Nambour came on the TV, “There”, I said, “I’ll go to Nambour tomorrow and get a job there!”

The next morning we drove to Nambour and I pulled up outside the business whose ad I had seen, walked in and asked to see the owner. Fifteen minutes later I emerged with a commitment that subject to the provision of references I was guaranteed a job on my return.
We returned to Melbourne sent the references and gave notice. We spent four weeks packing and organizing our departure. During that time I visualized us living in a unit overlooking the Maroochy River. I saw my self standing on a balcony with a drink watching the river at dusk.

We arrived at Maroochydore late one Saturday afternoon with nowhere to stay and $250.00 to our names. We were headed to a caravan park, intending to live there until we had saved some money. Driving through Cotton Tree, the town next to Maroochydore I felt an overwhelming compulsion to go into a real estate office I noticed on the shopping strip. ”T” thought it was pointless but I said I wanted to assess the price and availability of rental properties so I could set some goals.

The agent offered us the keys to look at a furnished unit for $75.00 per week. The unit was ideal for us but it wasn’t until I walked onto the balcony at dusk, saw the Maroochy River and bay beyond that I knew I was in the right place. I told ”T” we would get that unit today – I just didn’t know how yet!

We took the key back to the agent. I told him how much we liked the unit and explained our circumstances. He asked if I had work and I told him who my new employer was. The agent’s eyes widened, “Have you just come up from Melbourne?” he asked. I told him we had. He then explained that he had had a drink with my new employer the previous evening and he had told him all about me. He asked me for one week’s rent and we moved in that night.

I spent the first three weeks working in Nambour about twenty minutes drive inland. After that I was sent to the Maroochydore office about 100 metres from home. The Manager at Maroochydore had been promoted because he was a good salesman. He was a lovely bloke but a lousy manager and was not enjoying his new role. I began visualizing him happily moving back to a sales role and his management position being advertised in the local paper. Five weeks later the manager told me he had asked to go back to sales and his job was being advertised the next day. That weekend I wrote my application for the position, submitting it first thing on Monday. I was the only person in the organization who wasn’t shocked when I was appointed Manager of the Maroochydore branch on Tuesday afternoon.
This is when I first came to the certain knowledge that we can through the application of right thought, desire and action build exactly the circumstances we wish in our lives, indeed I realized that whatever circumstances gain traction in our lives are a result of our thoughts and expectations.

“Man is a growth by law,
and not a creation by artifice…”

James Allen

The circumstances I encountered as outlined previously move beyond the definition of luck or coincidence. These occurrences manifested exactly as I visualized them and in the order I applied my thoughts to them. The odds of one of these events happening spontaneously are millions to one and when those odds are compounded by the additional manifestations then they move into the trillions. Based purely on the odds, this sequence of events manifesting as visualized seem far more likely to be as a result of my will than random acts of chance.
Certainly I was moving purposefully toward the accomplishment of these events but I did not actively participate in many of the elements which contributed to the manifestation of the various occurrences which took place. I did not tell my new boss to talk about me in glowing terms to the real estate agent. Neither did I discuss the Maroochydore Manager’s decision to resign his position with him. How did I know that I would get a job at a certain place based on a TV commercial? What drew me to stop at that particular estate agent when I had driven passed at least six others without even a thought of stopping?

Over the many years which have passed since I first experienced these seemingly miraculous occurrences I have pondered them often. Indeed it did at the time and still does feel as though that the unique energy which assisted in the accomplishment of these goals moved through me rather than from me, inspired into action by my insistent desire to succeed. I have also experienced other amazing manifestations of will in my life and have sought to use the “eleven different herbs and spices” which produced these manifestations on a daily basis.

This blog is about sharing my experiences and knowledge of how we can with insistant desire, intense focus and understanding of the often latent, incredibly powerful abilities we all possess manifest whatever circumstances we desire.  The first step is to recognise and accept responsibility for the fact that we have created the circumstances we now find ourselves in and will be the subject of my next post.